Paul M. Moyer

Paul came back to the Miami Valley after being discharged from the Air Force as an Airman 1st class in the Armament (weapons) career field.

Started a new life in the Barbering profession, completing Barber College and the required Apprenticeship program attaining a Journeyman license. He then purchased a 6 chair Barber shop of which he ran for over 38 years.

He joined the Fairborn American Legion the day he was eligible, becoming the assistant Sergeant at Arms then the Sergeant at Arms for 33 years and the Armor for 45 years, is on the Ceremonial Team for 25 plus years, the 40&8 Sergeant at Arms for 25 years becoming a life member of both. He also is a life member of the AMVETS, VFW and the 01 Fashun Rod and Gun Club where he is a Range Officer for 56 years. His son was an Army Officer for 9 plus years and now a Deputy Sheriff in another state.

Paul has worked behind the scenes with many other organizations, and has always tried to help and assist Veterans, even helping (Build Homes for Our Troop’s) right here in Greene County.

Paul is also a long time member (38 years) of the Ohio Wander Freunde (a Volksmarching/walking club) and has received many awards over the years; he has walked 1,100 events and 19,000 kilometers.

Paul is happily married to Joy, his wife of 5 years.

Greene County Veterans Services
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